

Our Chancellor, Dr. Rev. William R. Greaver is one of the founders of Capstone University. He holds a Doctor of Psychology from the Graduate Theological Foundation (GTF) in Mishawaka, Indiana. (GTF is an affiliate of Oxford University, England), He further holds a Doctor of Chaplaincy, and a Bachelor of Arts with majors in Social Work, and Psychology with a minor in Philosophy. Rev. Greaver is a Lutheran and has been an ordained pastor for over 20 years earning a Master’s of Divinity from the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago (LSTC). He has been ordained in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), He also is a Congregationalist and is currently a rostered clergy of the National Association of Congregational Christian Churches. As a CPE (Clinical Pastoral Education) Supervisor, he operates a Learning Center in Tacoma, WA, the Graduate Academy of CPE Supervision (GACS) which offers both online and in-person CPE Education, in addition to Supervisor Education Fellow CPE. He has experience as a chaplain that goes back 30 years and has been teaching Pastoral Care in some form for over 30.

Dr. Rev. Eric J. Hall​​, D.Th.

Dr. Rev. Eric J. Hall, D.Th.

Chancellor, President, and Founder

Rev. Eric J. Hall, DTh, APBCC is president and CEO of HealthCare Chaplaincy Network™ (HCCN) and its affiliate, Spiritual Care Association. HCCN was founded in 1961 and is a global nonprofit organization whose mission is to advance the integration of spiritual care in health care to increase patient satisfaction and help people faced with illness and grief find comfort and meaning—whoever they are, whatever they believe, wherever they are. HCCN is a leader in clinical pastoral education and spiritual care research, and provides professional chaplaincy services at major health care institutions in New York, including Hospital for Special Surgery, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.

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